Weekly practices
Monday 09:30 aquaswing in Sporthal Wethouder Verheij
Monday 11:45 aqua yoga in the Noorderparkbad
Monday 18:00 strengthen & flow in Het Parkhuis
Tuesday 08:30 circles - gentle yoga at Helly
Tuesday 18:30 freeflow at Helly
Wednesday 10:00 chair / stand yoga in Nestor Gym
Wednesday 11:00 chair yoga in Nestor Gym
Thursday 12:30 circles - chair /stand yoga in Het Parkhuis
Friday 09:30 & 10:30 yoga gym in Menno Simonszhuis
Friday 12:00 aqua gym in the Mirandabad
Saturday 10:00 strengthen & flow in Nestor Gym
Weekly ZOOM practices:
Monday - Wednesday - Friday - at 7:30
Saturday at 8:30
Please review the updated schedule provided below.